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Woodlands Limited



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    ebonysaul img 5

    Very good hospital.My son was delivered here 19 years ago .I did three other surgeries including removal of my gall bladder. I was able to be up and about within 4 days. Very good doctors!

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    Vene Mahase img 1

    The receptionist is not helpful at all their so rude...won't even pick up when you call back does these people know it cost us to call them? Do they know we paying our money just to go see them lmfaooo well I'll give another hospital my money thanks for the bad customer service

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    KingTeo img 5

    loved one sadly went here

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    Kirsty Roopnarine img 1

    Terrible, terrible service. I was visiting guyana for business and had to see their gynecologist for an issue. First of all, Dr. Gobin was on vacation so Dr. Martinez had to see me. She barely knew a word of English and never asked any regulatory questions about prior conditions etc. she just gave me a tablet to take home and come back. Also, there’s one general ultrasound section where you have to wait all day to get one done and the ultrasound doctors are VERY ROUGH and unfriendly. I don’t know any gynecologist without a personal ultrasound in their office. POOR service and the people only care about money, there is no customer service and this is supposed to be one of the “best hospitals in guyana”. Absolutely disgusting. I would not recommend to ANYONE. In fact, I think you all have a load of lawsuits coming soon with that type of patient care.

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    Joel Pollard img 1

    UNPROFESSIONAL!!! You guys can never do Covid 19 test for me Or any of my business associates anymore.. your way too rough I can’t believe I paid for this type of service pushing the swab all the way back that’s so immature and unprofessional!!!!